Extension of Submission Deadline

Please be advised that the closing date for submissions to the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice has now been extended to 30 June 2018. Please submit all submissions, in the format outlined below, to submissions@civiljusticereview.ie 



Submissions to the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice


A group chaired by the President of the High Court, Mr. Justice Kelly, has been established to review the administration of civil justice in the State. The group is to report to the Minister for Justice. It will make recommendations with a view to improving access to civil justice in the State.


Family Law matters are not included in the remit of the group as there is already a publicly-stated  intention of the Government to bring forward modernising legislation in the form of a Family Courts Bill.


The Group requests submissions from interested persons or parties in relation to its work. The broad topical areas to be pursued by the Group will, in an overall context of improving access to justice and reducing costs of litigation, be

(a) Improving procedures and practices and removal of obsolete, unnecessary or over-complex rules of procedure;

(b) Reviewing the law of discovery;

(c) Encouraging alternative methods of dispute resolution;

(d) Reviewing the use of electronic methods of communications including e-litigation and possibilities for making court documents (including submissions and pleadings) available or accessible on the internet;

(e) Achieving more effective outcomes for court users, particularly vulnerable court users.


Submissions should be sent solely in electronic form to submissions@civiljusticereview.ie by 12pm Friday 16 February 2018.


Submissions must be no longer than 5,000 words and submissions which exceed this will be returned. Submissions must state, in the subject line of the email, the area of the group’s work which is addressed as per the list above.  More than one submission may be used to address multiple areas. Please note that submissions may be published in the future.


More detailed information on the terms of reference and membership of the Group is available at www.civiljusticereview.ie


Aignheachtaí chuig an Athbhreithniú


List of Submissions